• 26/07/2024 22:49

What specialists are needed by the Ukrainian army in January: the list of vacancies has become known

ByJohn Newman

Jan 7, 2024

The key factor in the successful coordination of Ukrainian Armed Forces units is not only the presence in the army of experienced soldiers with active combat experience, but also military personnel with unique skills or similar experience.

What specialists are needed by the Ukrainian army in  January: the list of vacancies became known

Photo – unian.net

About the fact that with the advent of 2024, significant additional staffing of the Defense Forces units is required with people not only with combat experience, writes NBN, referring to the portal for searching/providing vacancies WORK.UA.

As the military believes, the knowledge and skills of potential fighters will help provide the army with experienced leaders and highly qualified specialists, and, in addition to purely military specialties, there are also relatively civilian ones.

In particular, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are recruiting this January, within the framework of recruiting, and ;not mobilization:

  • stormtroopers;
  • artillerymen;
  • tankers;
  • infantrymen;
  • drone operators;
  • drivers (at least category “C”);
  • paramedics;
  • IT specialists/communications specialists.

Earlier, our news portal reported that the Verkhovna Rada told how they would “motivate” Ukrainians liable for military service who remained abroad.


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