• 26/07/2024 22:30

Zakharova threatened Macron over statements about the possible sending of troops to Ukraine

ByJohn Newman

May 8, 2024

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, issued a threatening statement in response to the words of the French leader Emmanuel Macron about the possible dispatch of troops to Ukraine.

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Zakharova threatened Macron because of statements about the possible sending troops to Ukraine

Photo – rg.ru

The speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry told media representatives that if Macron sends French troops to Ukraine , Russian invaders will consider them as legitimate targets, NBN reports with reference to Reuters.

As stated by a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the aggressor country, the head of France explains his statements about the possible dispatch of armed forces with the desire to create strategic uncertainty for the Russian Federation . According to Zakharova, for Moscow the situation looks more than certain.

Lavrova’s subordinate added that the Russian Federation is already seeing an increase in the number of French citizens killed in the war in Ukraine. The speaker of the diplomatic department believes that this proves that the military sent by Paris to the front will become a target for the “second army of the world.”

Earlier, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the statements of Macron and British Foreign Minister James Cameron “dangerous” about the war in Ukraine.


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