• 26/07/2024 23:50

Zelensky announced a new wave of offensive by the invaders in the Kharkov direction

ByJohn Newman

May 10, 2024

Head of State Vladimir Zelensky announced a new wave of offensive by the invaders in the Kharkov direction. The invaders unsuccessfully tried to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the region on the night of Friday, May 10.

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Zelensky announced a new wave of offensive by the invaders in the Kharkov direction

Photo – rbc.ua

The Guarantor, during a joint press conference with the head of Slovakia Zuzana Caputova, confirmed that the troops of the aggressor country had launched a new wave of offensive in the Kharkov region – a fierce artillery battle ensued at night, in the morning the Defense Forces stopped the enemy attack in region.

According to the Ukrainian leader, the defenders knew about the plans of the “second army of the world” and were ready for such a development of events, NBN reports with reference to Ukrinform.

The President clarified that in the Kharkov region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces met Putin’s army with troops and artillery. Zelensky added that the command has calculated the forces in order to repel the Russian invaders, taking into account that the occupiers can still bring up personnel to this section of the front.

We recall that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine commented on the attempt to break through Putin’s aggressive forces in Kharkov region on May 10. The department reported details of repelling the enemy attack.


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