• 26/07/2024 19:39

Zelensky responded to the situation on the border with Poland

ByJohn Newman

Mar 3, 2024

11 0

Zelensky reacted to situation on the border with Poland

Photo – zn.ua

As NBN reports, in his evening video message the Ukrainian leader noted, that the situation on the Polish border has long gone beyond the limits of morality and economics.

According to the words of the head of the Ukrainian state, it is necessary to finally find a solution to the situation, including the one that has developed on the Polish border, which has long gone beyond the limits both morality and economics.

Zelensky added that it is simply impossible to explain how the complexities of a country that is bleeding can be used in internal political struggle. However, Ukraine will pass this too.

I am convinced that Ukraine has the ability to survive, achieve its goals and defeat the terror of the Russian Federation. Together we can provide all this, — summed up the President of the Ukrainian state in his evening video address to the people of Ukraine.

Recall that Donald Tusk previously announced the complete closure of the Polish border.


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