• 27/07/2024 00:10

10 most popular capitals in Europe for marriage proposals

Travel experts Paris Ticket & Tours conducted an interesting study and named the 10 most popular European capitals for declarations of love. The list was compiled based on the total number of hashtags on Instagram related to marriage proposals, writes WomanEL.

Content< /span>Warsaw, 10th placeOslo, 9th placeAmsterdam, 8th placeMadrid, 7th placeVienna, 6th placeAndorra la Vella, 5th placeBerlin, 4th placeParis, 3rd placeLondon, 2nd placeLisbon, 1st place

Warsaw, 10th place

Warsaw takes tenth place, and the number of hashtags is 105,516. The observation deck of St. Anne's Church and the roof garden of the Warsaw University Library are exciting places for sentences that take your breath away.

Oslo, 9th place

In ninth place is Oslo. The city collected 146,535 hashtags related to the marriage proposal. Romantic spots in the capital include Frogner Park and the Oslo Opera House.

European recognition. Source: pinterest.com

Amsterdam, 8th place

Eighth on the list is Amsterdam with 189,113 hashtags. The Bloemgracht Bridge is an iconic and romantic place to be recognized in Amsterdam.

Madrid, 7th place

Madrid ranks seventh place in the list and gains 248,426 hashtags. El Retiro Park is known for its beauty and offers various romantic spots that are ideal for a marriage proposal.

Vienna, 6th place

Vienna is in sixth place with its 318,054 hashtags. Vienna's Schönbrunn gardens have seen thousands of romantic proposals.

Andorra la Vella, 5th place

Andorra la Vella is fifth on the list with 358,409 hashtags related to offers. Confession in the fresh air while walking along the irrigation canal Sola is a wonderful place in the capital for couples.

Berlin, 4th place

Berlin ranks fourth on the list with 549,300 hashtags honestly collected. One of the most romantic places in Berlin is Charlottenburg Palace, which is a great place for recognition.

10 most popular capitals in Europe for marriage proposals. Source: pinterest.com

Paris, 3rd place

Paris opens the top three with 1,011,970 hashtags. The iconic location for recognition is, of course, the Eiffel Tower, but couples are also often recognized during a romantic cruise on the Seine River.

London, 2nd place

London is in second place on the list with 1’026’528 hashtags. The London Eye and Kyoto Garden are recognized as the most romantic locations for a proposal in the capital of Great Britain.

Lisbon, 1 place

Lisbon took honorable first place, collecting as many as 1’049’944 hashtags. The most popular places for a romantic event are the Portas do Sol observation deck and the Belém Tower and Gardens.

The honorable first place was taken Lisbon. Source: pinterest.com

According to travel expert Magdalena Petrusic, proposing marriage abroad has always been a romantic and sought-after experience. It's interesting to see which European capitals are the most popular.

It's surprising that Paris doesn't top list, given the capital's well-known association with romance, Magdalena noted.

This research shows how social media trends can influence rankings. It will be interesting to analyze what places these capitals will occupy on this list in a few years.

We previously wrote about where to go to Europe for a week-long vacation: TOP 5 travel ideas

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