• 06/02/2025 12:59

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon for health

WomanEL tells how you can pray for health and treatment of illnesses. The prayer to Saint Panteleimon is considered the most powerful, and you can pray both for yourself and for your loved ones.

Saint Panteleimon the healer is one of the greatest healers in Christianity, to whom any illness was subject. It is to him that a prayer for healing is read.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon for health. Source: freepik.com

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon for health

O great saint of Christ and glorified healer, Great Martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in heaven you stand before the throne of God and enjoy His Trinitarian glory, and with your holy body you stand on earth in the Divine Temples and with the grace given to you work wonders.

Look with your merciful eye at the people who stand and pray in front of your honorable icon, receiving your loving help and intercession. Bring the warmth of your prayers to the Lord our God and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins.

For through our iniquities we cannot raise our eyes to the height of heaven, nor lift our voice of prayer to His inaccessible glory in the Divine. With a contrite heart and a humble spirit, we appeal to you, a merciful intercessor before Vladika and a prayer book for us sinners. Because you have rejected grace from the Lord, illnesses and addictions will heal.

We ask you: no matter how unworthy we are, we pray to you and require your help. Be a comforter for us in sorrows, a healer for cruel ailments, a patron for misfortunes, a giver of insight for sick eyes, a helper for sick children. Ask everyone for everything that is valuable for their salvation.

So that with your prayers to the Lord God we receive grace and mercy and glorify all the blessings of Dzherelo and the Gift-Giver God, One in the Trinity of Saints, the Father, and the Son, Holy Spirit Nini, and always, and forever. Amen!

Earlier we posted a mother’s prayer for her son at war.

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