• 06/02/2025 08:00

How to properly look after the lights so that the stench will serve you for more than one season

Sunlights are an unknown part of the wardrobe in the cold season. And since you have known the love of the world, you want him to serve longer. Most lights from wood, acrylic, frame, bamboo and outer can be used at home using the correct methods. Because, as you move and save them, they lie down, stretch out, stink and shrink, become stinking and wooly for a little bit. How to properly keep an eye on the lights?

ContentHow to properly look after the lights: take care of them correctly Read the label carefully How to properly look after the lights: read carefully How to properly look after the lights: dry in the air with an unfolded view Correctly remove the stitches Tighten the stretched cuffs and necks, rotate the light that has changed, carry and wear it more often

WomanEL has taken all the best (and simplest!) pleasures to extend the service life of your lights.

How to properly look after the lights: save them correctly

Sveters are made from knitted yarn, which has greater elasticity and stretchability in the lower fabric of the fabric. Although this stretchiness makes them easier to handle, it also means that they can quickly lose their shape. “We recommend putting it on a hanger to save it in the closet or to save it in the cupboards or on the police,” says Zak Poznyak, a leader of luxury dry cleaning. “The lights should be properly secured so that the lights do not lose their shape and are not damaged by the hangers.”

To prevent your lights from being damaged by mosquitoes, clean your lights before storing and add packets of cedar shavings or lavender.

Read the label at a glance

It is important to know what type of fiber your light is made from and how to clean it. On the label, at a glance, you will find instructions about the temperatures at which you can brew water and how you can wash it by machine or, better yet, by hand.

How to properly follow the lights: move quickly

When you wash the light in the car, turn it around and place it in the appropriate bleach bag (bag for delicate speech), first place it in the washing machine. Use cold water, some kind of salt and a gentle spray mode.

As you mix the lights by hand, rub the leather with them, soak the skin with cold water and some gentle water. “You don’t need a lot of personal care, the shards and vikoryst use even a small amount of water in the sink,” says Zach’s colleague Jerry Pozniak.

  • Fill the sink with cold water and add about 1/4 teaspoon of the soap solution.
  • Immerse in water and rinse until all the fibers are thoroughly penetrated.
  • Soak for about 10 minutes .
  • Gently stir the light in the water.
  • Rinse it out of warm water and give it a good scrub (do not stretch the wet fibers).
  • Pour out the water from the sink and refill it with clean water for rinsing.
  • Rinse lightly and gently wring excess water Don't overdo it!

How to properly monitor the lights: dry outside в розправленому вигляді

Не сушіть светри в сушарці, робіть це на свіжому повітрі, Джерело: freepik.com

Although it is written on some lights that you can throw them in a dryer, you can better preserve their drying if you dry them out in the air in a straightened manner. The best option is to use drying racks that can be placed above the bathtub, allowing the smell to circulate around 360 degrees. You can also use this towel on the table or under the table. Just remember to protect wood surfaces from moisture, replace the towel when it gets wet and turn the light frequently.

If you are drying your clothes straightened out, give them the best shape to prevent any wrinkles or stretch marks from appearing.

If you are over 60, wear tights not only carefully, but carefully, to insulate your legs. We share our joys, as work is stylish.

Get your words right

Kovtuntsi are being harassed, especially in language speeches. The greater the interweaving, the fewer spools in the world. Cottons are formed when groups of short or ragged fibers are tangled into a tight woven or tangle on a piece of paper, which lends itself to the greatest abrasion during the hour of heavy wear and tear (for example, the cord has a lot of Iktiv).

The best way to remove electricity from the surface of the light is to use a special battery-powered device. You can also cut them with small sharp knives, otherwise you risk cutting a hole in the light.

Tighten stretched cuffs and neck

Stretch cuffs and visors on fabrics made from natural fibers, such as bavova or vovna, can be tightened with the help of heat to enhance the new look of the jacket.

  • Add strength to small bowl.
  • Dip the cuffs in hot water and shape them into the required shape. To make a neck visor, carefully place a clean cloth or sponge in hot water and wet the visor. Apply new shapes.
  • Allow the damaged sections to air dry or use a hairdryer on high heat to speed up drying and increase shrinkage.

Rotate the light that has changed

This was done with the skin: the light sinks into a washing machine with hot water and shrinks . To live such approaches that can turn on the light, first you will leave. These approaches will be most effective for lights made from natural fibers, and can also help lights made from synthetic fibers.

  • Fill the sink with cold water and add two tablespoons of baby shampoo or rare fabric soap.
  • Put it in the light and carefully pass it through the rinser. Soak for at least 30 minutes or up to two years.
  • Rinse thoroughly and do not rinse. Carefully remove the request to the vologist. Don’t overdo it!
  • Put a light on the thick towel and twist it to remove more hair.
  • Creak the light, vikorist mіtsnu cork board for the stunned. Carefully stretch the light to its original shape and pin it with stainless steel pins. Pin the light through the skin 5 cm to remove it in place and let it dry outside.
  • Do not place the light near a hot dryer. Once you go through the dryer, there is practically no hope.

Perit and wear first

The best way to continue the term of service of the light – pass and wear it next.

  • Spray the stink as soon as those stinks appear.
  • Put on a T-shirt or blouse in the sunshine.
  • Skip a day between skin wear so that the fibers turn to their natural shape and do not interfere with the elbows, neck and cuffs.

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