• 14/03/2025 20:20

How to convey to the Ukrainian the replacement of the Russian Vistula “Patience and labor will grind everything down”

Ukrainian language is rich in figurative words and idioms that represent folk wisdom and everyday wisdom. Considering the Russian proverb “Patience and labor will grind everything down,” there are a number of translation options, both authentic and adapted to our culture. Today WomanEL reveals how the Ukrainian transfer of the Russian language is replaced.

ContentVerbatim translation representativesVariants from folk wisdomCultural adaptationHow to reverse the correct option

Verbatim translation

If we translate the words literally, we reject: “Patience and effort will grind everything.” This option is reasonable, it conveys the main idea, but is not quite sonorous for the Ukrainian language, which holds power Idiomatic forms.

How to convey to the Ukrainian the meaning of the Russian wislov “Patience and labor are everything will grind.” Dzherelo: pinterest.com

Idiomatic Subscribers

“Be patient, Cossack, you will be an otaman” – This Ukrainian phraseology reinforces the importance of taking the step to reach the mark. Vіn emphasizes respect on the fact that the result has always been hard work, and patiently patiently achieving success.

“Without labor there is no fruit” – The video ideally conveys the value of practicality and patience. Vin indicates that a difficult result can be achieved without hard work.

“To sharpen a stone” is one of the closest Ukrainian expressions. We should talk about the power of perseverance: small things, but constant efforts will be made to overcome the hardest problems.

“We can overcome anything with work” – a simple and sensible message that reinforces the power of practice.

Options from folk wisdom

Ukrainian proverbs and orders reflect the wealth of knowledge of practical people. The axis of a number of applications that can be selected as providers:

  • “Whichever it is, that is the same” – emphasis on the effectiveness of the work.
  • “The human race lasts a year, but the line fades” – reinforces the importance of work for success in life.

Cultural adaptation

In Ukrainian culture, figurativeness is often used, which is associated with nature and origin. For example, the saying “If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove” suggests that you can only reach the food through the zusilla. Another option is “What you sow, you will reap,” which speaks of the causal-hereditary connection between the work and the result.

Yak select the correct option

The choice of provider depends on the context. If you want to reinforce the idea of ​​patience, go with the words “Be patient, Cossack, you will be an otaman.” To emphasize the point, it is better to say “Without labor there is no fruit” or “To sharpen drops of stone.”

Ukrainian language provides many options for the expression of this word. Each of them reinforces the value of perseverance and efficiency, which will lead to success in the future. Also find out how best to adapt the Russian idea “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” for the Ukrainian audience.

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