• 18/01/2025 03:08

What does it mean to dream about death? 17 types of dreams and their meaning

Few things can be more disturbing than dreams about death, whether it's your own or that of a loved one. What does it mean to dream about death? Although dreams about death may seem like a bad omen, there's no need to worry too much about it. In fact, they can portend positive changes in your life.

ContentWhy dream of death: you go to a funeralIf you dream that you are in a cemetery… Why dream of death: you see a dead bodyIf in a dream you witness an autopsy… Why dream of the death of a plant or petIf in a dream you die peacefully… Why dream of death: you die a violent death… If in a dream you are killed by someone you know… Why dream of death: if a stranger kills youIf in a dream you know that you will die and cannot avoid it… Why dream of death: you wake up just before death in a dreamIf you do not wake up immediately after death in a dream… Why dream of the death of a childIf in a dream your partner dies… Why dream of death friendIf your father dies in a dream…

According to analyst Laurie Quinn Lowenberg, death in dreams is actually connected to some kind of change or ending in your real life. Mystical expert Autumn Furkiller agrees. WomanEL will share their thoughts on what specific dreams about death mean.

What does death dream about: you are going to a funeral

“The main element of a dream about a funeral is that your subconscious is telling you that , that there is something in your real life that you need to end. Lowenberg believes there's something you need to shut down and accept that it's no longer a problem.

Of course, it all depends on whose funeral it is. If it's your own funeral, what part of you has now found peace? If it's a friend's funeral, is there any issue between you that you can now leave alone?

If you dreaming that you are in a cemetery…

Lowenberg says that if your dream takes place in a cemetery but there is no funeral there, it could be a sign that something in your past is being dug up that should remain buried. Your subconscious mind shows you this problem in a cemetery setting so that you understand how wrong it is to dig it up.

What does death mean in a dream: you see a dead body

While most dreams about death are about final changes in your life, specific dreams can give you clues about how you're coping with those changes, Lowenberg says. If you dream of a dead body, it could be a sign that you're trying to let go of a situation. “It could also be that something that needs to be buried hasn't been buried yet. And it's not happening.”

If in a dream you witnessed an autopsy…

An autopsy is finding out the manner of death. So an autopsy in a dream means that you are trying to find out why this relationship ended or why this situation ended. And what means do you use to find out the reason?

What does the death of a plant or pet dream about

Plants and pets are the things in your life that you spend time and energy taking care of. Therefore, Lowenberg explains that if your pet dies in your dream, it may mean that you are forgetting to take care of something else in your life. So in the event of the death of any of the objects and beings in our care, we should ask ourselves, “What in my life am I neglecting?”

Plants usually symbolize something that has the potential to grow. A dog can represent relationships. A cat often represents a woman, or the reproductive self, or the sexual self. A fish can represent creative ideas, your ideas that are thriving in your creative juices.

If in your sleep you die peacefully…

Dreams about death can mean something specific, but they can also reflect the times and social miasmas we find ourselves in. Source: freepik.com

“This is a very good sign that the changes you are going through suit you. You are experiencing the changes you want.”

Why dream of death: you die a violent death…

Peaceful death indicates desired change. But, according to Lowenberg, violent death means the opposite. “Changes are happening that you are resisting, or you are afraid of the changes that are happening.”

If someone you know kills you in a dream…

“If it's someone you're close to, like a family member, best friend, or partner, it's likely that they're urging you to make some changes in your life.” Death in a dream is a natural change that happens, while murder is a forced change. For example, you have to force yourself to quit smoking, or you have to force yourself to end a friendship. If someone you know or love tries to kill you, they're likely urging you to make changes that you're resisting.”

What does death mean if you are killed by a stranger

“If this is not a real person you “You know, this stranger represents a part of yourself. Or he may simply represent the forces at work that are forcing you to change things.” If you have this dream, Lowenberg advises asking yourself, “Am I feeling pressure to change?”

If in a dream you know that you are going to die, and you cannot avoid it…

According to Lowenberg, this It is related to changes that you anticipate and know will happen. “Such a dream prepares you for the inevitable end.”

Why do you dream of death: you wake up just before you die in your dream

Lowenberg explains that this could simply be your body's physiological response to the fear of death. “Or you could wake up before death happens because in real life the actual changes aren't complete yet. You're on the edge – you're on the verge of it.”

If you don't wake up immediately after dying in your sleep…

 “A lot of people tell me that they actually experienced a sense of death and leaving their body. Such a dream indicates that changes have already occurred. If in a dream you feel like you are leaving your body, this is a good sign that you are feeling how these changes are transforming you.

What does it mean to dream of a child dying

Lowenberg says this is one of the most disturbing dreams about death that anyone can have. But it's much less scary than it sounds. “It's because your child has reached a certain milestone, it's the end of a stage of their life.

Every time they start crawling, walking, eating on their own – all these different important life stages mark the end of a stage of life. That's how we grieve – the loss of that stage of life. Because once you have a child, time flies really, really fast.”

What about pregnancy dreams? Why do they happen? Here we share their unexpected interpretation.

If your partner dies in your dream…

There are a few questions to ask yourself if you have this dream, says Lowenberg. “What changes are happening to them? Has he lost his job? Has he lost weight? He works a lot more, and you never see him? How has he changed, or how has your relationship with him changed?”

If your death dream involves someone you regularly communicate with, such as a partner or friend, it might not be the worst idea to reach out to them.

It is not necessary to directly say: “I had a dream, and you died in it!”. Say something like “I had a terrible dream about you. I hope you are well and be careful out there.'' It is important to let the person know that you care about them.

What does it mean to dream about a friend dying?

Most likely, this means that your relationship with your friend is changing. But Lowenberg says that if nothing has changed, this dream could indicate something else. “Your friend will represent a part of yourself. How are you similar to your friend? What qualities do you share?

Perhaps your friend is always cheerful and always emotionally supports you, and you dream that she is dying. What is happening to this part of you? Are you depressed? Need to lift your spirits? Do you find it difficult to find happiness?”.

If your father dies in a dream…

“We avoid death. For various reasons, we don’t care for our deceased loved ones as much as we used to, and we often don’t give them the time or space to grieve,” says Furkiller, adding that there are two reasons why our subconscious mind gives us this kind of dream. The first is to “process our fears about the death of our loved ones.” The second is to “remind ourselves of the simple fact that death is a part of life, a natural part.”

Furkiller has personal experience with this particular dream. “Some of the most terrifying dreams I’ve ever had were about my mother dying,” she shares. “When it happens, I tell her to be very careful that day. I still can’t accept that one day my mother’s life will end. It’s a tough pill to swallow.”

When it comes to getting through a dream like this, Furkiller has a specific order of things to do. “I like to start by acknowledging that all life ends at some point. You can accept that truth and, given enough time, learn not to dwell on it.”

Are you wondering why you’re dreaming about your ex? Does it mean you want to get back together? Not necessarily.

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