• 12/02/2025 08:06

How to determine company culture during an interview

Have you ever been so focused on making a good impression at a long-awaited interview that you forgot to consider whether the company is the one you really want to work for? We’re often told that the interview process is a two-way street. And it’s true. But how do you determine a company’s culture during an interview? And why is it important?

ContentWhat is company culture and why is it important?Can you assess culture in an interview?How to determine company culture in an interview: communication stylesHow to determine company culture in an interview: energyHow to determine company culture in an interview: respectHow to determine company culture in an interview: collaboration

WomanEL will share the opinion of experts so that you can quickly decide for yourself whether this job and the company in general are right for you.

What is company culture and why is it important?

Culture is notoriously difficult to define and means different things to different people. But in general, it is how people in a corporation behave, what they value, and how they respond to situations and each other.

“From a definitional perspective, company culture is the shared values, norms and patterns of behaviour that shape the work environment and how employees interact,” says Stylist Claire Crompton, commercial director at marketing firm TAL Agency. “But at a deeper level, culture is much more about how employees feel. Do they come to work with enthusiasm and energy? Are they passionate about what they do? Sure, people have bad days and good days, but the way work makes you feel can never be underestimated. And that, to me, is what culture is.”

You probably don’t need to tell me that your attitude towards work extends beyond the time you spend in the office or working from home. Work can affect your self-esteem, your relationships and your productivity. So it’s important to make sure your workplace culture is aligned with your personal values.

“Culture is important because it can make or break your experience,” says Kevin Fitzgerald, CEO of UK-based Employment Hero. “A positive environment fosters growth, creativity and satisfaction. Whereas a toxic environment leads to burnout.”

Research shows that organizational culture directly affects job satisfaction, Source: freepik.com

Can you assess culture on interview?

It's clear that the company culture will influence your daily work. But is it realistic to assume that we can know what the working atmosphere will be like just from a couple of meetings?

“The interview process isn’t just about selling yourself, it’s a two-way street,” Fitzgerald says. “Every interaction, every question, every vibe gives you a sense of the company’s culture. While you won’t get the full picture, paying attention to how you’re treated and what they prioritize can tell you a lot.”

Dan Bruce, a career expert at Reactively, says it’s important to try to read between the lines during interviews. “It’s not easy to judge a company’s culture based on the interview alone, but it’s possible,” he says. An interview can reveal a number of red flags that point to a toxic company culture. This can seriously impact your overall job satisfaction, career growth, work-life balance, and mental well-being if you take the job.”

Assessing the culture during the interview will allow you to make an informed decision about whether the company is a good fit for you, your values, your professional and personal needs, and your desire for career growth.”

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How to determine company culture at an interview: communication styles

So, when it comes to answering all those tricky questions about where you see yourself in five years, experts agree that there are four areas that can tell you a lot about a company's culture and ethics. And they are communication, energy, respect, and collaboration.

Good communication is vital to the smooth running of any workplace, and it’s surprisingly easy to achieve. It’s not just about how you’re spoken to in an interview, but also about all your interactions with the company in general—from emails to phone calls and everything in between. Communication should be simple, clear, and respectful.

“A culture of transparent and open communication builds trust and respect at all levels,” says Crompton. “When your people communicate clearly, without jargon or defensiveness, it’s a sign of a healthy work environment and collaboration where one-on-one feedback is valued.”

Pay attention to how well, clearly, and respectfully you are listened to during the interview, and pay attention to how your interviewers talk about the company. “Ask direct questions about the company culture,” advises Bruce. “Focus on things like leadership style, how they balance work and life, how the team collaborates, or how they resolve conflict. Pay close attention to how they respond. If they respond vaguely or dismissively, this could be a sign of hidden issues and a toxic culture.”

How to determine company culture in an interview: energy

Another tricky one to define. But you can definitely feel the energy of the company from the moment you walk in. Did the interviewers arrive on time, or did they make you wait nervously? Once you’re in the room, pay attention to how they feel about you.

“If your interviewers are enthusiastic, genuine, and genuinely interested in you, that’s a good sign,” says Fitzgerald. “Do they seem like they’re genuinely enjoying their job, or do they seem rushed, inattentive, or negative? If so, that could be a sign that the team is stressed or not ready to get to work.”

Consider whether you would feel comfortable approaching these people if you got the job. Would you approach them with a problem or for advice?

“Leaders who support employee development create a culture of growth and engagement,” says Crompton. Companies that emphasize mentoring, career development, and an open-door policy can confidently say that they have a positive, empowering workplace.”

How to determine company culture in an interview: respect

Are you treated with respect from the moment you arrive? This applies to everyone from administrators to senior managers (and how you treat everyone). Respect also extends to personal time and boundaries. And a clear indicator of this is the right approach to work and personal life.

“Work-life balance – flexible schedules, respect for personal time and boundaries, the ability to work remotely – is no longer just a buzzword. It signals a culture where employee well-being is paramount,” says Crompton. “Companies where work-life balance is highly valued tend to have higher employee satisfaction and lower burnout.”

How to determine company culture in an interview: collaboration

“Finally, a workplace that fosters teamwork, encourages collaboration, and diverse perspectives is more likely to foster an inclusive and creative culture,” Crompton says. Employees who are encouraged to work together and freely share their ideas and thoughts create a strong community.” In a supportive and empowering culture, leaders will position themselves as more accessible, providing guidance, “taking part” in everyday tasks, and facilitating professional development. In a more rigid or authoritarian culture, leaders may be less open and tend to focus on control and compliance.”

Last but not least, remember that sometimes it’s all subjective.

“To know if a company is right for you, you need to know yourself,” says Jenny Field, founder of Redefining Communications. “I’ve worked in places where I thrived and others found them toxic, and it’s hard to say one is good and the other is bad because it’s all about our values ​​and what’s important to us personally. You need to listen to your intuition. Take the time to think about the interview conversations and the process, weighing the pros and cons.”

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