• 23/02/2025 09:31

How to remove stains from deodorant from shirts and other clothes

Learn how to save your favorite shirts with these simple tips.

Whether it is fresh traces or sweat that in ’ eaten, deodorant stains cannot be upset, especially if they are with ’ appear when you are in a hurry to get out of the house. The next time you notice a stain on the shirt, do not panic. We will share the best tips with washing and ways to remove stains from deodorant from shirts and other clothing. Doctor of washing. ”

How to remove stains from deodorant and how do they differ from sweat stains?

Before talking about stain removal methods, it is important to distinguish between stains from deodorant and sweat stains. If you use an aerosol spray, gel or any other means of “Invisible”, then you can avoid the appearance of stains from deodorant on clothing-at least classic annoying white traces, which is visible on dark clothing.

However, this does not mean that you are immune to sweat stains. They are guilty of the gloomy yellow spots that are formed in the armpit on light things. These spots are usually caused by aluminum, an ingredient that is part of many deodorants and reduces sweat. Of course, some of the sweat goes out through the pores, and the salt contained in it causes a chemical reaction when mixed with aluminum.

Although white divorces from dezomodorants are unpleasant, they can be easily erased, especially If you do it immediately. It is more difficult to fight with sweat stains, but do not throw yellow shirts!

Fortunately, white spots on dark are easy to eliminate. “If a light stain of deodorant gets on cotton or other cellulose clothing (flax, viscose, bamboo, etc.), while you are dressed, it is better to put the thing away and put on something else,” Gallyardy says. “If you do not have time, treat the stain with a small amount of washing powder and let it dry in the air.”

  • the rest of the fabric itself;
  • a damp cloth, sponge or baby napkin;
  • Drying leaf;
  • <. l> a couple of tights;

  • a cotton ball soaked in alcohol (unless it is a delicate fabric, then better do without alcohol).

  • Use the right amount: you can think that applying more deodorant in a long day helps to minimize sweating, but this can adversely affect your shirts. If the deodorant contains aluminum, more remedy simply means that it mixes with sweat and bacteria, which will cause yellow spots in the armpit area
  • let the deodorant dry. After applying the deodorant, wait for it to dry completely before dressing to prevent it from getting on outerwear. Do you hurry? To accelerate the process, gently blow the armpits with a hair dryer in cold mode.
  • Pre -treat the outerwear. “Another good method, especially in highly efficient washing machines, is the preliminary processing of armpits every time you finish the thing,” Galardy says. You can apply a small amount of liquid washing powder or use a stain remover, safe for wrapped fabric or color.
  • Treat the stains as soon as possible. The earlier you can overcome the thing that, as you know, is prone to the formation of stains, the better, because the longer it lies, the more time the spots will be for fixing. Galimarda provides some of the last recommendations for the treatment of sweat spots. “Cool or cold temperature does not clean things so well, so increase the setting of the washing machine to warm or even hot,” she says. “Make sure you use the right detergent in an amount that corresponds to the type of clothing and loading volume. Finally, be sure to add the right bleach if you want to handle strong spots. “How to remove yellow stains from sweat
  • quickly and easily process your favorite things with these experts.

    removing stains from sweat a little It is more difficult than simple deodorant spots, but they are not something impossible. Try one of these methods to remove annoying stains from sweat from clothing.Mix baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and water. “For white stains that are difficult to remove, can be removed by mixing a solution of equal parts 3% of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and water,” Gallyardy says. Note that it is best to do it over the basin to minimize a mess. She explains that the boiling water should be carefully poured. “It has a picture ’ a plaque, and then you can quickly apply the solution until the spots are still hot,” she says. Through the P ’ for a moment, wash the shirt in the machine with bleach. If spots with ’ appeared a long time or armpits are very discolored, you may need to wash your shirt again or twice to thoroughly remove them.

  • Use white vinegar. If a stain from an antipegrapher with ’ appeared relatively recently, try this method that uses only one household item. Put the contaminated shirt in the pelvis and soak it in white vinegar for an hour or so. Then treat the stains under the armpits with a small brush with M ’ which bristles, such as tooth. When you are satisfied with the result, wash your shirt as usual.
  • Mix lemon juice and water. Lemon juice can be used to clean many things around the house. One of his secret weapons is a bleaching effect, so it can help remove stains from sweat from white shirts. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and water and apply to discolored areas. After half an hour, spend washing.
  • And did you know that you couldn't wash your towels with these things? Learn about the rules before spoiling things.


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