• 26/07/2024 23:23

Diva Monroe spoke about her first sex: it was terrible

Ukrainian blogger Monroe spoke about her first experience of sex and admitted why it was terrible, writes WomanEL.

The network star does not speak positively about her first intimate experience. In an interview with Leonid Polshchuk, the blogger said that at that time she was under the influence of alcohol, which negatively affected the process. In addition, Monroe noted that her first sexual experience was without the use of contraceptives, which she considers a rash and risky step.

The first sex was without a condom, and it was terrible. These are the consequences of the lack of sex education at school and in the family. There were times in my life when sex was without a condom and it was just roulette. She was full of courage, emotions, and in a state of alcoholic intoxication. The first sex was while intoxicated,

the celebrity said.

Monroe emphasized the importance of sex education. Source: instagram.com/monritta

The blogger also shared her experiences about accepting her body. She noted that for a long time she struggled with self-doubt and her own appearance. Monroe also said that she is working on her internal traumas with a therapist.

I was not taught proper physicality. I was ashamed of my body. Just now I’m working through this with my therapist,

the diva noted.

The blogger’s frankness about her personal experience emphasizes the importance of open conversations about sex education and mental health. Her words can inspire others to be careful and conscious in their decisions, and to seek help when needed.

By the way, Monroe recently spoke about hard work and income during the war.

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