• 26/07/2024 23:13

Honest deputy: Virastyuk announced his people's salary

How much does an honest deputy earn in Ukraine? This question was answered by the people's deputy from the Servant of the People, strongman Vasily Virastyuk, writes WomanEL.

Vasily spoke about the size of his salary in an interview on the YouTube channel of Slava Demin. The amount made the blogger smile. He noted that now the audience will laugh.

My salary is minus alimony so far – 36 thousand UAH. And with alimony… Well, add another 16. Almost 53 thousand. Well, let them laugh. Do you think this makes me laugh?

the athlete admitted.

Honest deputy Vasily Virastyuk. Source: Instagram

As for unofficial income and corruption schemes, this is not at all about Virastyuk. He explained that he bought his property thanks to his sports career even before he became a people's deputy.

This is not about us, not about us – honest deputies. I am an honest deputy,

said Vasily.

Virastyuk’s declaration for 2023 states that he earned 547 thousand UAH. at the main place of work, and also received 262 thousand UAH. material assistance. In addition, the people's deputy's pension is about 28 thousand UAH. There is also waste from renting out an apartment – 1.3 thousand UAH and savings of $50 thousand in cash.

Previously, Masha Efrosinina spoke about the balance between family and career

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