• 27/07/2024 00:16

Liliya Rebrik showed tender photos from the discharge of her third child

42-year-old Ukrainian actress and presenter Liliya Rebrik shared touching photographs from her discharge with her newborn daughter. The star, together with her husband, choreographer Andrei Dikiy, and their older daughters returned home after a stay in the maternity hospital, writes WomanEL.

On her Instagram page, Liliya Rebrik posted a series of photographs that captured the happy moment of little Adele’s discharge. In the photo, the father gently holds the baby in his arms, next to them is a smiling mother and their daughters.

Lilia Rebrik with her husband and daughters after being discharged with little Adele. Source: instagram.com/liliia.rebrik

Hi Adele. Today you slept for the first night at home – in the crib that we selected for you with such love. Next to us, your parents and your sisters. Yesterday was such an emotional day: you were greeted with spring flowers, smiles, and laughter. They wished you happiness and peace, and us patience. And I’m sure everything will definitely come true, because we are now a big, friendly team,

Lilia addressed her daughter in the caption on the photo.

Lilia Rebrik with her husband and daughters after being discharged with little Adele. Source: instagram.com/liliia.rebrik

Network reaction:

  • Congratulations! I look at you and am so happy;
  • What a beauty;
  • Let him grow happily next to such lovers.

The publication collected many congratulations and wishes for a happy motherhood from fans and colleagues. These warm words and touching moments became comforting for Lilia and her family, who rejoice at the new member of their happy family.

By the way, Lilia Rebrik recently did a piquant photo shoot.

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