• 27/07/2024 04:34

The Air Force explained why there are such short alarms in Ukraine due to the takeoff of the MiG-31K

 В Воздушных силах объяснили, почему в Украине такие короткие тревоги из-за взлета МиГ-31К

Photo: Speaker of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat (armyinform.com.ua) Author: Tatyana Stepanova

Recently, there have been short air raids in Ukraine due to the Russian MiG-31K fighter. The reason may be a training takeoff and landing of the aircraft or a flight to another airfield. However, there is still no need to neglect the danger.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Ignat on the air of the telethon.

“At night there were “Shaheds”, and in the morning a MiG-31K took off somewhere in the Tambov region. Well, traditionally. It takes off every day and tests our nervous system. And not only does it test the system, but we are talking about a real danger. The danger of that , that they can use the “hypersonic”, as they call the Kinzhal Kh-47M2 missile,” Ignat said.

He emphasized that, of course, there is a danger, because Russia has large reserves of Daggers. Therefore, there is no need to neglect anxiety.

“In addition, I would like to note that they shot down about three reconnaissance UAVs in the south. The enemy has quite seriously intensified aerial reconnaissance in the southern direction, in the Kherson region. Somewhere along the Dnieper they are placing drones to track the line of combat. our weak points, perhaps: air defense systems that destroy Russian aircraft, etc.,” the representative noted.

Answering the question why the last air raid lasted 16 minutes, Ignat said that so far “there is no exact information about what is happening there.”

“But in general, the MiG-31 could take off, fly around in a circle somewhere around the airfield and land. That is, practice takeoff and landing. Such a training flight could be. But every training flight could become not a training flight. It can perform task. Perhaps this is the second option, the MiG is simply flying to another airfield. That is, due to relocation, there may also be such short alarms,” the speaker explained.

He added that the Air Force has intelligence sources who are also trying to get as much information as possible in different ways about whether the MiG takeoff poses a danger and how serious it is.

“And the main information, of course, we receive from our Western partners. These are threats such as: the takeoff of the MiG-31, the takeoff of strategic aviation, the departure of ships to sea and their preparation for Kalibr launches. Actually, we receive this information from our allies.” , – said Ignat.

Air raid alerts due to MiG takeoff

Let us recall that recently the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky instructed the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to find a solution so that long-term flights of the MiG-31K would not paralyze Ukraine with air raid raids. According to him, the level of our country’s air defense today allows us to reconsider the methods of responding to threats.

As Yuri Ignat noted, the decision on long-term flights of Russian fighters is not an easy one. Now the relevant departments are working on this issue with the involvement of leading specialists.

He later said that Ukraine does not plan to change the system for warning the population about an air threat due to the MiG takeoff, so as not to take risks.

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