• 26/07/2024 20:16

Lviv surgeons removed a volunteer’s tumor and saved his leg from amputation


Feb 22, 2024

Photo Surgeons at St. Luke's Hospital in Lviv removed a man's tumor the size of a rugby ball and saved his leg from amputation.

The First Medical Association of Lvov reported this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

«They removed a tumor the size of a rugby ball and saved the leg from amputation. They operated on the man and gave him back his life without pain at St. Luke’s Hospital,” the message says.

It is noted that 49-year-old Evgeny Plekhanov from Lvov lived with a tumor in his hip for almost 30 years. Lipoma – Doctors discovered a benign formation developing from adipose tissue cells when he was still 20 years old. Then doctors at one of the city hospitals decided to remove only part of the lipoma, because if they removed it completely, Evgeniy could lose sensation in his entire leg. But the young man was warned that the tumor could continue to grow.

For the last 15 years, the man lived in Italy, working there as a driver. The tumor grew larger over the years, but due to his sedentary lifestyle, it did not particularly bother him.

With the outbreak of a full-scale war, Evgeniy returned to Ukraine and began volunteering: delivering humanitarian aid to war victims at humanitarian support points and in hospitals. Due to regular stress on the legs, the tumor began to compress the nerves and nearby vessels. Then the man turned to specialists at St. Luke's Hospital for help.

According to Vascular surgeon, head of the department of interventional radiology Alexander Golub, in order to prevent partial or even complete stopping of bleeding in the end, it was decided to perform a complex intervention that requires high precision and well-practiced skills. In particular, they separated parts of the tumor from the nerves and arteries, and then removed the tumor completely without complications for the patient.

The hospital reported that the next day after the operation, Evgeniy began to walk. He was finally free from both discomfort and pain.

The husband continues to volunteer for assistance to Ukrainian defenders and defenders on the front line.

As Ukrinform reported, at the National Rehabilitation Center “Indestructible” in Lviv, the lower jaw of a Ukrainian military man, whose half of his face was torn apart by an enemy shell, was reconstructed.


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