• 26/07/2024 20:27

Dollar exchange rate in March: Ukrainians warned about currency swings

 Dollar exchange rate in March: Ukrainians are warned about currency swings

The situation on the foreign exchange market in March will be extremely similar to January-February.

In March on the foreign exchange market changes will occur almost every day. Rates can either go up or down. This will depend on the tactics of the NBU aimed at liberalizing the market.

Taras Lesovoy, head of the treasury department of Globus Bank, said this in a commentary to RBC-Ukraine.

“In particular, we are talking about compliance with the regime of “managed flexibility” on the interbank market with free exchange rate formation, but with periodic intervention by the regulator to achieve a balance between supply and demand,” the banker noted.

According to him, the volume of financial injections into the interbank market are unlikely to change significantly. It is expected that they will remain at the level of 2.5-3 billion dollars.

The expert believes that the leading role of interbank rates will remain: in the cash market, exchange rate setting will be based precisely on the indicators of the non-cash market with the addition of a commission from financial institutions. The expected change step on the interbank market will remain within 0.2 hryvnia, up to 0.5 hryvnia in commercial banks, up to 0.7 hryvnia in exchange offices.

< p>“In general, the situation on the market will be extremely similar to the January-February one. This applies not only to the NBU strategy, but also to other interrelated factors that will shape the market,” he emphasized.

As previously reported, the National Bank has tightened the rules for purchasing foreign currency. What has changed now – read HERE.

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