• 26/07/2024 23:45

Exchange rates on May 2: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty

 Exchange rates on May 2: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty

The dollar rate has increased.

National Bank of Ukraine on May 2, set the official dollar exchange rate at UAH 39.63. It has risen in price by 12 kopecks.

The NBU reports this.

The euro has fallen in price by 7 kopecks and costs 42.29 UAH. The official exchange rate of the Polish zloty is 9.74 UAH.

  • In exchange offices, the dollar is sold for an average of 39.9 UAH. They buy for 40.3 UAH.
  • For euros in exchange offices they offer 42.75 UAH. Sold at 42.9 UAH

Dollar exchange rate in banks

PrivatBank – 39.30-39.90 UAH
“FUIB” – 39.50-39.99 UAH
“UkrSibbank” – 39.40-39.95 UAH
“Ukreximbank” – 39.35-39.95 UAH

Euro exchange rate in banks

“PrivatBank” – 41.95-42.95 UAH
“FUIB” – 42.40-43.00 UAH< br /> “UkrSibbank” – 42.10-43.00 UAH
“Ukreximbank” – 42.20-43.00 UAH

Zloty exchange rate in banks< /p>

“PrivatBank” – 9.75-9.95 UAH
“PUMB” – 9.40-9.90 UAH
“Ukreximbank” – 9.65-10.00 UAH

It was previously reported that in May the foreign exchange market of Ukraine will be influenced by a number of important factors. However, the overall strategic picture will remain more or less stable.

Read also:

  • What will the dollar exchange rate be at the end of the year: estimates experts
  • Will the dollar cross the 50 hryvnia mark: experts’ forecast for the coming years
  • What will the dollar exchange rate be in Ukraine at Easter : expert forecast


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