• 26/07/2024 20:33

“Die” will have an assistant based on artificial intelligence

The Diya application development team is working on an assistant based on artificial intelligence that will help the contact center respond to user requests. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov.

An assistant based on artificial intelligence will appear in

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“We want to use a technological solution from one of the top international companies for this. This will be a new generation chatbot that will chat in human language and help solve a simple problem. Its main advantages will be the speed of response and saving time and resources of the Diya support team,” Fedorov explained.

He also added that the chat will be called Nadezhda. So far, the team is only 80% satisfied with the quality of the AI ​​assistant’s answers, so work continues to improve this indicator. In addition, I’m not entirely satisfied with the speed of his answers.

“This will be a revolutionary technology not only for Ukraine, but also for governments around the world. During beta testing, you will be able to teach your assistant to answer requests more efficiently,” Fedorov noted.


The “Ministry of Finance” wrote that an interactive map has become available in the “Diya” mobile application shelters, with which you can get directions to the nearest safe place and report if the shelter is closed.


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