• 27/07/2024 00:18

The largest taxpayers among IT companies and residents of “Diya.City” have been named

In 2023, IT companies paid UAH 20.8 billion in taxes to the state budget, which is 7.4% more than in 2022. This is reported by AIN.UA.

The largest taxpayers among IT companies and residents of

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Taxes from residents of “Diya.City”

The top 10 resident companies of “Diya.City”, which, according to YouControl, transferred the most taxes to the budget, were headed by the Fintech Band company, which owns monobank.

In total, the company transferred UAH 705.1 million. On April 22, 2024, the owner Oleg Gorokhovsky reported that the company paid UAH 806 million – the difference is accounted for by legal entities that are not residents of Diya.City (KOTO DEVELOPMENT LLC, Terabyte, SHAKE TO PAY and Kilobyte102 ).

The largest taxpayers among IT companies and residents of

Taxes from IT companies

The second table shows IT companies that transferred the largest amount to the state budget.


There are companies that were included in both lists, but during the analysis legal entities were taken into account.

Largest taxpayers among IT companies and residents of


The Ministry of Finance wrote that in March 2024, the volume of IT exports increased by 9% and amounted to $565 million. This brought the Ukrainian economy $47 million more compared to February.



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