• 27/07/2024 04:19

The National Bank proposes to change the procedure for collection and transportation of funds by banks

The National Bank of Ukraine proposes for public discussion changes in the organization of collection of funds and transportation of currency valuables of banks in Ukraine. This was reported by the NBU press service.

The National Bank proposes to change the procedure for collection and transportation of funds by banks

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This is due to changes in legislation that have come into force effective January 1, 2024.

In particular, in connection with this, it is provided:

    to clarify the definition of individual terms; resolve some issues related to the introduction of the use of wholesale containers for transporting cash (on pallets with boxes for banknotes and coins); clarify the requirements for the procedure for storing valuables that collectors of a bank and a legal entity carrying out collection of money can store in a safe for overnight storage of valuables; establish requirements for the arrangement of armored operational vehicles of banks capable of transporting wholesale quantities of cash (on pallets); clarify the requirements for filling out an accompanying cash order in a bag with valuables, if there is no foreign currency in it; establish for bank locations where cash is processed using automated cash processing systems the requirements for the presence of a collection box or a specially fenced off and equipped area in which cash is loaded and unloaded from operational vehicles.


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