• 26/07/2024 22:48

What future awaits Ukraine in 2024: Western media have rearranged the alarming picture

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This information was reported in the above-mentioned publication, reports URA-Inform.

< p>It is predicted that next year it will be difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to achieve a significant breakthrough at the front. According to Giles, it is most likely that the Ukrainian army will switch to a defense-in-depth strategy, awaiting further steps from Moscow.

According to him, the uncertain future of Ukraine and NATO is associated not only with the possible return of Donald Trump to the presidency, but also with a lack of determination in the Biden administration, the publicist notes.

According to his opinion, the White House has come to the conclusion that confrontation with Russia does not correspond to US national interests. In addition to this, the ongoing «political nervous breakdown» in Washington creates the risk of a complete cessation of support for Ukraine.

In addition, Kiev is forced to consider the worst-case scenario, as the European Union is slow to approve a new aid package due to the opposition from Hungary.

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