• 13/03/2025 15:16

How many Ukrainian words begin with the letter “i”: the linguist listed them all

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This information was reported by Radiotrek, reports URA-Inform.  

Linguist Alexander Avramenko said that since 2019, Ukrainian spelling has legalized several words starting with the letter “i”. He noted that there are four such words in the Ukrainian language.

“There used to be a golden rule — There are no words starting with the letter “i”. But since 2019, spelling has legalized several words starting with the letter “s.” The first — function word “and”. For example, “Ich yaka cunning!”, “Ich yaka garna!”, — said Avramenko.

The second word, noted the linguist — verb “ikati”, that is, pronounce “and” instead of “i”.

Third — Parallel forms are allowed: “Herod” and “Irod”, “Iriy» and “iry”. Each of these options, Alexander emphasized, is correct.

“You may ask, who came up with this? And I will answer: this is how Ukrainians pronounced these words for a long time. Finally, I’ll just add, let’s make sure that Ukraine speaks and writes correctly,” — the linguist summed up.

Recall that it was previously reported that a Russian pensioner sent Putin and addressed the youth: what she called them to do (video).

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