• 27/07/2024 03:56

The United States will transfer special weapons to Ukraine: Politico told what is at stake

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Politico reports this, citing four reliable sources, reports URA-Inform .

It is noted that the above-mentioned bombs, manufactured by Boeing, represent the latest long-range weapons, which are not even in the arsenal of the US Armed Forces. American officials say the introduction of the new bomb will significantly strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities in response to Russian aggression.

The bases, warehouses and headquarters of the Russian occupation army will be at risk. The US government official stressed that the GLSDB will provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with additional capabilities to attack Russian military targets and add to their arsenal of weapons.

This, he said, will be another critical element in allowing the Ukrainians to increase the effectiveness of their operations .

GLSDB — This is a joint development of Boeing and Saab. This ground-launched small diameter bomb weighs 113 kilograms with a rocket engine that can be launched from ground launchers, including the HIMARS MLRS.

The American army also has an analogue of this bomb, but for airborne use. The plan to transfer these bombs to the Ukrainian Armed Forces was announced by the Pentagon in February 2023, but the delivery was delayed due to the need for thorough testing, and the Ukrainians had to wait for the GLSDB for a whole year.

Recall that forced evacuation is being carried out in Ukraine: authorities warned who should pack their things.

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