• 26/07/2024 20:02

China and the USA threatened war with each other: what is known

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China threatens World War III due to a dispute with the Philippines over part of the South China Sea, in which the United States is on the side Philippine government.

This information was reported by Fox News, reports URA-Inform.  

As American expert from China Gordon Chang explained to reporters, Beijing «does not respect» joint defense agreement between the Philippines and the United States.

“Twice last month, on the 5th and 29th, the (US) State Department issued written warnings to China that we were prepared to use force to comply with our obligations under with Article 4 of the Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and the Philippines. This is a warning that we are ready for war,” Chang explained.

However, China also threatens America with war over a territorial dispute with the Philippines, but does so unofficially. As Fox News notes, recently the English-language newspaper China Daily, which is the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China, published an article authored by Yang Xiao, deputy director of the Institute of Maritime Justice of the People's Republic of China.

The very title of the publication was eloquent – “Manila (the capital of the Philippines) should be warned against the horrors of war.” In the article itself, the author draws direct parallels between the Philippine-Chinese dispute over maritime waters and the mutual territorial claims of European countries before the outbreak of the First World War.

“The lessons of the First World War must be taken into account, especially by small states, because incitement conflict will not serve the interests of any country. US military intervention on behalf of the Philippines will be disastrous for neighboring countries. They do not realize that once the “shot from Sarajevo” is heard in Asia, innocent people in East and Southeast Asia will become the biggest victims of the war. ;, — wrote Yang Xiao in an article for China Daily.

The above-mentioned American China expert Gordon Chang notes that these veiled threats are part of the Chinese strategy – to put pressure on all neighbors in turn, looking for the weak link. Beijing alternates between informational and real provocations against the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan.

Chang notes that the Philippines is the weakest country of the three militarily. And the problem is, he says, Beijing doesn't trust the U.S. to actually use force to defend an ally.

“A lot of people are saying we'll go to war with China this year or next year. I'm not saying we will enter, but if we do enter, it is more likely that the fight will begin through the Philippines than it will begin through Taiwan or Japan. If you look at the situation, you have all the elements for a great power war that begins in the Philippines,” Chang is convinced.

We recall that it was previously reported whether Ukraine would agree to help from the United States on credit: Zelensky gave a clear answer.

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