• 26/07/2024 20:58

In Ukraine, a new obligation is being prepared for drivers: what the people’s deputies have planned

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Getmantsev reported this information, URA-Inform reports.  

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy Daniil Getmantsev said that compulsory civil liability insurance could be introduced for drivers in Ukraine.

The draft law has already been drafted adopted by people's deputies in the first reading in the Verkhovna Rada, and now it is recommended to adopt it as a whole. According to him, the document proposes:

— gradually increase the amount of insurance amounts (maximum insurance payment) to the levels established in the EU countries;

— introduce the rapid implementation of guarantee payments to injured persons for bankrupt insurers before the Law is enacted (currently this is years, but it is proposed up to 90 days);

— introduce direct settlement in all cases of accidents in which damage is caused only to the vehicle, which will allow the injured person to apply for insurance payment to his insurer, even if the culprit is not insured;

-expand the use of the «Euro protocol&# 187; — filing an application for insurance compensation in case of an accident without the participation of the police, etc.

Getmantsev noted that he will allow victims to apply for insurance compensation from their insurer, even if the culprit is not insured. And also expand the use of the European protocol — filing an application for insurance compensation in case of an accident without the participation of the police.

Recall that it was previously reported that the Defense Committee of the Rada about the new bill on mobilization: “They didn’t hear something.”

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