• 26/07/2024 22:44

Musk made a scandalous statement about NATO: the billionaire said what needs to be done with the Alliance

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American billionaire, founder of Tesla and Space X, Elon Musk, said that the reason for the existence of the Alliance has disappeared.< /p>

X Musk reported this information online, URA-Inform reports.  

For this reason, he believes that NATO needs to be disbanded.  Musk stated this on the social network X, commenting on a tweet by American businessman and economist David Sachs with thoughts about NATO.

«In 1991 The Soviet Union collapsed and NATO faced an existential crisis: its reason for existence no longer existed. But instead of disbanding, the Alliance came up with a new mission: to expand. And in a vicious cycle, NATO expansion will create the hostility necessary to justify itself», — wrote Sachs.

Musk supported him and hinted that NATO should be disbanded, because there is no reason for its existence.

< p>«True! I have always wondered why NATO continues to exist even though its enemy and reason for existence, the Warsaw Pact, has collapsed», — wrote Musk.

Recall that it was previously reported that the ex-head of the Pentagon named Russia’s next goal: Panetta’s statement.

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