• 26/07/2024 20:50

Musk was worried about the war in Ukraine: Zelensky responded

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American billionaire Elon Musk was allegedly concerned about the lack of a strategy for exiting the war in Ukraine.

About this information Musk and Podolyak left messages on their pages on the X network, URA-Inform reports.  

He wrote about this on his page on the X network.

« What worries me most is that there is no exit strategy, just an eternal war in which children die in the trenches from artillery or from machine guns and snipers, in minefields», — written by Elon Musk.

In turn, Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office Mikhail Podolyak, commenting on Musk’s message, said that after such posts by global influencers, “one has to once again be surprised at the lack of elementary logic in the modern world.”

«Because a realistic, objective «exit strategy» blatantly simple. The aggressor unconditionally leaves someone else's sovereign territory, and the hot phase of the war immediately ends. I understand perfectly well that sometimes simple truths are extremely difficult to understand, but I still repeat: an aggressor who unprovokedly attacked another country for the sole purpose — occupy/kill/capture — leaves foreign territory, returns stolen property, restores the rule of international law. What's so difficult about this? What other exit strategy should be sought/discussed? And is it possible to build something only on injustice?» — Podolyak emphasized.

We recall that it was previously reported how long the war in Ukraine could last: Scholz gave a disappointing forecast.

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