• 26/07/2024 21:03

New ratings of the leaders of the US presidential race: how far Biden has lost ground

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According to the latest data published by CNN, American presidential candidate Donald Trump still holds the lead over the current head of the United States, Joseph Biden in the election race.

This information was reported by the above-mentioned publication, reports URA-Inform.

A study conducted by CNN shows that 49% of registered voters support Trump, which remains at the same level as in January. While Biden's support dropped from 45% to 43%.

But what's even more interesting is that more than half of Americans (55%) consider Trump's presidency a success. This indicates that his policies have their supporters and are supported by a significant part of the population. However, 44% of respondents consider his presidency a failure.

These data reflect the complex political situation in the country, where opinions are divided on a number of key issues. The election campaign promises to be intense, and the election results may bring unexpected turns.

Let us remind you whether Ukraine will be left without US help if Trump wins: a forecast has been made in Poland.

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