• 26/07/2024 20:59

No longer Dzidzio: the artist admitted why he abandoned the popular image (photo)

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The famous Ukrainian artist Mikhail Khoma, also known as Dzidzio, spoke about fundamental changes in his stage image and repertoire of songs, emphasizing that such transformations are inevitable in the life of every person.

This information was reported by Tsn, reports “URA” -Inform”.  

The singer claims that these changes are associated with internal growth and the need to adapt to new living conditions, where many responsibilities arise over time.

«When a person has nothing to lose, there is a very great will, freedom. But when a person has some kind of responsibility towards his children, the next generation, the state, then you understand that you must be responsible for this. We grow, we change. Not forever in first grade. I don't know, maybe I've become boring to young people. But by that time I had completed my task. Many recognized themselves and said it was fair. I didn’t invent this, I didn’t write the script. My fans have grown up, they already have five children, they got married… If this growth had not happened, I would not be interested in living,” he said.

Despite the dramatic changes, Khoma reacts quite modestly to the return of enormous success, because he believes that he already has a large number of people recognizing him, and that’s enough.

«I consider myself modest. It's nice that I have the impression that I know everyone», — Khoma added.

Recall that it was previously reported that the actor of the series “Matchmakers” left the Russian Federation: the reason was announced< /p>
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