• 27/07/2024 00:17

Patients with HIV, cancer and hepatitis can be mobilized: an order with a list of diseases has been published

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Depending on what stage the patient is at, it will be possible to determine whether the citizen is suitable for military service.

This information was reported by the Ministry of Defense, URA-Inform reports.  

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has published an order that determines the suitability for military service of persons with various diseases.

Among the main provisions are the following:< /h2>

Tuberculosis: clinically cured tuberculosis – service in the TCC and support units, «residual effects» after cured tuberculosis – quite suitable;

HIV: Only those in whom it progresses are unsuitable. Other carriers of the virus can either serve in the rear units and TCC, or, if we are talking about asymptomatic carriers, at the front;

Cancer: those who suffer from the disease at the stage of a stable stage are quite suitable remission. Only those who are inoperable and those with metastases are removed from the register. Those who have operated on the primary tumor or have a slowly progressing tumor may be sent to serve in the rear. Also, if they have cancer of the skin or lower lip;

Hepatitis: persons with chronic viral hepatitis with minor or no dysfunction are suitable for military service

Regarding women: pregnant women and women who have already given birth are considered fit for service if the pregnancy and postpartum period passed without complications. Complications give the right to leave or dismissal.

We remind you that it was previously reported that the data of all women from 17 to 60 years old will be entered into the register of those liable for military service: what does this mean.

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