• 27/07/2024 03:36

Strikes with American weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation: the United States made a decisive statement

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US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink recalled that American President Joe Biden's goal is to help Ukraine defend itself and deter future aggression.< /p>

This information was reported by Radiosvoboda, reports URA-Inform.  

At the same time, she stated that the leadership of the United States of America does not support strikes with its weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the allies aim to help Ukraine defend itself.

In particular, answering journalists’ questions about how Ukraine can win the war in conditions when the Americans do not allow shelling of Russian territory, Brink emphasized that this position of the White House remains unchanged since the beginning of a full-scale Russian invasion.

«But the first part of assistance to Ukraine in defense is the supply of our weapons and the weapons of our partners to support the efforts of your brave heroes at the front in regaining your territories. Our position initially was that we do not enable or encourage the use of our weapons in Russia, outside Ukrainian territory», — Bridget Brink emphasized.

At the same time, the ambassador noted that President Joe Biden’s goal is to help Ukraine defend itself and deter future aggression.

We recall that it was previously reported that the end of the war is obvious: the US general said that he will help Ukraine win.

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