• 27/07/2024 03:01

Syrsky announced personnel changes in the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the Commander-in-Chief said who will be replaced

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In several combat brigades, personnel changes were made among commanders in order to ensure the safety and preserve the lives of defenders.< /p>

This was reported by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, in Telegram, URA-Inform reports.

He noted that he continues his work on the eastern front. Syrsky emphasized that the situation at the front remains difficult, but under control.

«Within three days it became obvious that some brigades, with the same indicators of weapons and personnel, are able to deter enemy attacks and hold positions, while others — no», — noted the commander in chief.

Syrsky emphasized that the combat capabilities of brigades depend on the level of training and experience of their commanders. The coordinated work of the brigade headquarters also plays an important role.

«Therefore, to those brigades where problems arise with the preparation of the headquarters, I sent groups of specialists for exchange experience and assistance», — reported the commander.

After analyzing the reports of commanders and their deputies, decisions were made to provide reserves, ammunition, drones and other equipment.

«In some cases, when actions commanders pose a threat to the life and health of subordinates due to lack of control of the situation, I was forced to make personnel decisions», — Syrsky emphasized.

The Commander-in-Chief expressed gratitude to the soldiers of the 54th separate mechanized brigade for accurate artillery strikes and competent mining, which led to the destruction of two columns of enemy armored vehicles. He also thanked the soldiers of the 25th separate infantry division, the 47th separate mechanized brigade and the 79th separate air assault brigade.

«I would note as a positive moment the replacement of one of the brigades on the front line after two years of continuous fighting and moving to the rear to restore combat effectiveness», — he added.

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