• 26/07/2024 23:30

The expert warned about the escalation of the Russian war against Ukraine: what should Ukrainians prepare for?

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Columnist Ivan Yakovina predicts a total war in Ukraine this year.

This information was reported by Nv , reports URA-Inform.  

According to him, Russia is ready to use all available means against the Ukrainian state. Yakovina warned that one should “prepare for the fact that this will be an all-out war on the Russian side” and need to fight back.

The expert also predicts that additional strengthening may be needed in 2024 The armed forces of Ukraine are 100, 200 or even 300 thousand people.

&# 171;And in 2024, most likely, we will have to recruit additional people into the Armed Forces of Ukraine — 100, 200, 300 thousand people», — the journalist predicted.

At the same time, Ivan Yakovina noted that it would be easier to recruit people if there were clear terms of service.

«Because if you join the army indefinitely, then the number of people willing to join the armed forces will rapidly decrease», — the observer emphasized.

We recall that it was previously reported where and how the Russian Federation will attack in early summer: BILD found out important information.

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