• 27/07/2024 00:15

The Russian Federation announced a shootout between FSB security forces and “militants”: what is known

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On the evening of Saturday, March 2, the CTO (Counter-Terrorism Operation) regime was introduced in Ingushetia on the evening of March 2.

This information was reported to Enovosty, reports URA-Inform.  

The regime was introduced due to military clashes in the city of Karabulak between the special unit of the Federal Security Service and «militants».

It is indicated that FSB operatives blocked in an apartment building «militants» «Islamic State», and a counter-terrorist operation regime was declared in the city. Russian propagandists themselves wrote that «militants» allegedly planned terrorist attacks in crowded places in Ingushetia.

«Militants in the Ingush Karabulak, while trying to arrest them, opened fire on the law enforcement forces, law enforcement officers entered into battle with criminals», — the message says.

Later, the FSB Directorate for Ingushetia stated that “inaccurate information about the counter-terrorist operation in Karabulak” was being distributed online.

According to information from RosSMI The operation to detain the militants and the shootout between them and the FSB lasted for at least four hours.

We recall that it was previously reported that the invaders at the front were being decimated en masse by the disease: what kind of epidemic began in the Russian army.

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