• 26/07/2024 22:51

The Russian Federation has trained 25 thousand soldiers near Chasov Yar: Sazonov spoke about the difficult situation

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Political scientist and volunteer of the GRIM unit as part of the 41st Mechanized Brigade Kirill Sazonov reported that the situation near Chasov Yar is getting worse more tense. The occupiers did not give respite to the Ukrainian military, storming the city both day and night. Sazonov emphasized that the enemy’s goal is to capture the city before May 9, which is confirmed by intelligence data and observations at the front.

URA-Inform reports this, citing TSN.

“The fighting takes place continuously, if you are not being stormed now, you are being fired upon. The situation is really difficult,” — noted the serviceman.

He also spoke about the high efficiency of Ukrainian artillery and drones, which do not allow the enemy to move in large groups.

However, despite the successful actions of the Ukrainian military, the invaders approached the city, fighting almost on its outskirts.

“The occupiers are trying to bypass the city on both sides and destroy it with the help of artillery and other weapons. The city of Chasov Yar has good defensive positions at a commanding height, but the problem is the lack of personnel for a long and effective defense,” — Sazonov said.

He emphasized that the problem of replenishing personnel is especially painful, since people are sent to the TCC who are not always ready and motivated for combat operations. Of the sent fighters, only a few are capable of fighting effectively, which creates serious difficulties for the Ukrainian military on the front line.

Recall that Ukraine is switching to new tactics for recruiting into the army: WSJ talked about the methods.

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