• 27/07/2024 04:49

The world has moved from the post-war to the pre-war period: statement by the head of the British Ministry of Defense

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British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said that the world has moved from the post-war to the pre-war era.

About This information was reported by Telegraph, URA-Inform reports.  

On the day of the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance, Shapps said that the UK “has always been the main driving force” in NATO and is proud of it.

«Paying tribute to NATO's past is not enough, however. Today we must once again urgently think about the future of the Alliance. “We have moved from the post-war world to the pre-war world,” the minister said.

Grant Shapps noted that democracy is under the gun of “malicious forces” that are uniting.< /p>

«Russia threatens our neighbors. China is becoming more and more aggressive. Iran is using its proxies to cause regional chaos from the Middle East to the Yemen Strait. And North Korea is constantly rattling its nuclear saber», — he said.

In this regard, the minister called for urgent thinking about the future of NATO and to do three things: redouble efforts to support Ukraine; increase spending on NATO and its defense; strengthen the Euro-Atlantic defense sector.

We recall that it was previously reported that Putin will escalate: Bloomberg told what kind of war the head of the Russian Federation wants to wage.

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