• 27/07/2024 00:03

There are important changes at the front: Putin learned about three settlements where Ukrainian flags have returned

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Against the backdrop of news about the Russian Federation’s preparations for a new big offensive, Kremlin head Vladimir Putin learned that over three settlements in the gray zone Ukrainian flags are raised again. We managed to find out the details of the new victories of the defenders of Ukraine.

URA-Inform reports this, citing a message from the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on Facebook.

The territory of the mentioned devastated settlements is densely strewn with mines and due to constant shelling became uninhabitable. Border guards of the Guard offensive “Steel Border” raised blue and yellow banners over the settlements of Shabelnoye, Peschanoye and Degtyarnoye.

“These settlements are located near the Russian border in the “gray zone.” Although they are seriously damaged, we consider it important to once again raise the flags of Ukraine on these lands. There are a lot of mines here now, there was a lot of shelling. We will drive the enemy away from our land and will definitely win,” — the source notes.

Recall that Japan has begun preparations for the war for Taiwan: what is happening in the south of the country.

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