• 26/07/2024 19:24

Ukraine has a chance: Zelensky admitted, what can already be said

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Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, expressing words of gratitude to American political leaders for yet another assistance to Ukraine, emphasized the importance of support in the fight against Russian aggression .

This information was reported by NBCNews, reports URA-Inform.

During the interview, Zelensky noted that new assistance from the United States represents a significant step in strengthening Ukrainian military potential.

«This support will give us a chance to win if the Armed Forces Ukraine will receive the promised assistance», — the president emphasized.

Zelensky expressed hope that the new weapons will help the Ukrainian military increase their effectiveness and successfully resist aggression. He noted that he expects that this assistance will be able to stabilize the situation and even seize the initiative. According to him, Ukraine really has a chance to change the situation at the front.

However, the president also admitted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering significant losses in both people and equipment in various directions. He emphasized that the speed of arms deliveries plays an important role, and if they arrive in a year, the process of confrontation may slow down.

Let us recall how long the war in Ukraine can last: Scholz gave a disappointing forecast.

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