• 05/02/2025 09:41

Shmigal made an official statement in accordance with the law on penalties for paying for firewood

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky did not sign the Verkhovna Rada’s praises for the resonant law that conveys punishment for saving firewood without documents.

Prime Minister Denis Shmigal stated this, informing RBC-Ukraine that he sent a request for his application at the time of the meeting.

“The rural locality has no It is more important to reserve, and sometimes it is mostly hot. Therefore, there is not enough money for preparing firewood for people and there won’t be any,” he said.

In his words, “a high-profile parliamentary bill to impose fines for saving firewood will not be signed by the President of Ukraine.”

< p>“Moreover, the power and order are in every way acceptable to the Ukrainians, who are preparing firewood for burning their ass in the winter. We have a special support program for this, which is being implemented together with partners,” adding Prime Minister.

Scandalous law

Guess what, the Verkhovna Rada on the 10th of June praised the law (project No. 9665), which conveys responsibility for saving firewood without documents. There are now transfers to be signed by the President.

As the author of the document, Servant of the People MP Maxim Pavlyuk, stated, the law of calls is against illegal logging and straightening against “black lumberjacks” and “illegal sawmills.”

The law states:

  • a fine of 34 thousand. hryvnias for saving firewood, since their value is estimated at up to 30 thousand hryvnias,
  • from 5 to 7 times less will, since the value of the village is more than 30 thousand. hryvnia.

Previously, the Office of the President informed that Zelensky would not sign this law. However, there was no official explanation for this drive.

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