In February 2025, the amount of minimum pensions for persons with disabilities will remain unchanged. Payments will range from UAH 2,520 to UAH 2,980, which corresponds to the level established in March 2024. The government does not yet plan to revise them, and the next possible increase is expected in March 2025, writes IZ with reference to the Obozrevatel material.
The amount of the disability pension depends on the old-age pension. Thus, persons with disabilities of group I receive it in full, while for persons of group II this figure is 90%, and for group III – 50%. In February 2025, the amount of payments for people who are not working will be 2,520 UAH, while working people with disabilities of groups II and III will receive 2,093 UAH. For people with disabilities of group I, the payment will remain at the level of 2,980 UAH.
In addition to general payments, there are certain categories of citizens for whom pensions are calculated according to other criteria. For example, servicemen who received a disability as a result of hostilities can count on 100% of the cash benefit for group I, 80% for group II, and 60% for group III. A different calculation procedure is provided for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the amount of their payments ranges from 8,025 to 13,376 UAH depending on the disability group.
Preliminary forecasts for pension indexation predict a possible increase in March by 10–15%. The exact amount will depend on the economic situation and the capabilities of the state budget.
We remind you that we previously wrote that the Cabinet of Ministers allowed 100% reservation of healthcare workers and prosecutors of the Administrative Court of Appeal