• 12/03/2025 00:35

Insist or insist: how to speak in Ukrainian properly

The Ukrainian language is rich in nuances, and the choice of the right word in a certain context. One of the common mistakes is the wrong use of verbs to insist and insist, writes IZ. Many people consider them interchangeable, but in fact these words have completely different meanings. The perfect species – insist) has a clearly defined meaning in the Ukrainian language. It is used in two main cases:

1. Preparation of infusion (that is, keeping a certain substance in a liquid to produce medicinal or food infusion). Staying in a particular place for a long time (outdated but literary correct value).

Вати Guests have long been infused under the door until they were invited inside. In the Ukrainian language, it also had the importance of “to strongly achieve something”, but today such use is considered obsolete and space. This word has displaced more correctly insist (insist).

❌ I insist on my mind. – Error

 I insist on my mind. – Correct

Ukrainian philologists recommend avoiding this meaning of the verb “insist”, because it is more inherent in spoken speech and can be perceived as Russism or archaism. >

The verb to insist (a perfect look – to insist) means “to actively achieve something, to firmly demand a certain action.” It is used in situations where it is a conviction, a claim or a firm adherence to its position.Вання The teacher insisted that the student explains his answer. /p>

 I insist on meeting at four o'clock. >

❌ The director insisted on cost reduction.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the wrong forms of “come” and “come”, which can sometimes be heard in spoken language. They are a gross violation of the Ukrainian language standards and belong to Surzhik. Such words do not exist in literary language, so they need to be avoided.

❌ I come on my decision. WP-BLOCK-HEADING “> To speak correctly and avoid linguistic mistakes, you should remember:

> • insist – means “firmly demand something”, “persuade”. “Come” – gross linguistic errors (surzhik).

following these rules, you will not only improve your language, but also avoid common mistakes in communication and writing. Published material on how to write an adverb “ up to the right ” or#8220; by the way ”


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