at the Saudi Arabs, ended up Rosіysko delegs. Zustych Zastinchi after 4.5 Godni.
RBK-OKRYANA in the MATERIALI Zibral everything, Shcho vіdomo about the results of the US Rums in the Russian Federation in Er-Riedі.
- Putin I Trump to knock? PERSHI Detail of the USA TA RF RF
- Supreme Perempovini Rosiyani
- fox News wrote about the 3-story peaceful plan
Putin I Trump to screech? Pershi Detail Zustychi USA TA RF
The American delegate was represented by: the USA Marko Radio, the Card of the President Donald Trumpa, the Mike Voltz I Special Sender Lider of the Blizky, Stev Vitkoff.
Head calling The Kremlin Yuri Ushakov is the very sensor of the Rosiysky Fund, INvestani Kirilo Dmitriv.
Yak VIDOMO, the Supplers were discussed by the Yak Pannnya of the American-Speech, so I pantannya vyulyuvnna viyni in Ukrainian. VTIM, PID Hour of that, if Perempovini MIZH was chopped by the parties, Rosіyani at their own traditional manneri Visali Ultimatumi.
Zokrem in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was parallelly stated, the “membership of Ukraine in NATO is non -real.” Under the KOMO in the Kremlin, the Ulvvvville, the “do not fade the pereshkod” for the vice of Ukraine in єs, the okilki, praying, the chick is not the same.
The submitted the results of Zustychi in Yer-Riyadi representers of the Russian Federation. Zokrema, Ushakov, saying that the USA TA negotiating the UDO KODO KODOSANY RASK “in the post hour.”
INFORMAGE BLOOMBERG at the Statti, bossed susters, writing, POSHICHIC of US President Donald Trump I Rosiysky Dictator Volodimyr Putin, Ale “for the Tsyogo Perevo Makut U “.
VTIM, representation VID Rosiyan Ushakov for the PIDSUMKI STRISEVAVA, saying, the Date of Zustin Putin I Trump Velvati Vazhvatko. Behind the yogo words, it’s hardly about Tyzhenen’s offensive.
vin, who was dodging, pogalah Perevini in Saudiwskiy Aravi “took off is not unhealthy”, the Moscow Tu Washington “was homely one.”
“Velorko is the saying, the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, the USA, Ale Rozmova about Tse Bula,” – mustyu Ushakov.
Tokhozhu, he said, Schrem with the Group of the Rosieki, the American Peremobito “to go to contact with the nesting hour “. The warehouse of the Rosiysk Grupi to be in a special guide.
the re-reerumer of the Rosiyko, the guides Dmitriv briefly fucked by the negotiations in the Yer-Riyadi, calling the “positive”.
SCHO in the USA for PIDSUMKI Pereminov
Pershoy of the American Sterns Z'yaled Zaava Zaava Speech Determant of the Sentor -Temmi Bruce. Behind the words, the delegates of the United States were coming to “Usunuti, the diapers of the Dvorailniykh of the Metaim in the Vytzhnya, who are not at the Normal Roboti of the diplomatic representers.”
Bruce said, the Offaches Takozhi were consumed to recognize the command of the Tosmar negotiation according to Ukrainian.
“The USA TO TAKE TAKE OF THE RESPECTIONAL MABUTNEN SPIVPACYU Zwani mutual geopolitical izonerechny Ekonomichiye, INvestaniyani, yaki z’ye in the result of the successful conflict in Ukrainian,”, – Got it.
Zgіnoye, the announcement of the household, the guides of the sobdnish -free “zobov’ re -prolonged SPIVPRACE. “
” President Trump want drilling. єdini Lider at SVITI, Yakiy, you can get to Zmusiti to the tape to the mock on Tse, ” – get in the statement.
Skodo Chasovikh at the declaration of the declaration of the Obvy, “one telephone jerking of the cloak of Zustychchu short -term to get up to the world”, that is the “Superior of the Superior”. PIDSUMKI Pereminov with Rosiyanami. The stench stated, the dates of Zustychi Trump I Putin Vydina, Ale Quegerch, “Obe, Get.”
the American delegation for the pidsumki Zustychi said, the vanist (Ukraina Tu RF) may be a bouty of the pylon puppy puppy. Having said Rubio, Zustych at Saudivskiy Araviy became the first crocus on the hat to the world. Vin Takozh Pidkresliv, Sho є Maj Buti of the Hasis to the TSO. RBC-Ukrainian Nizhke to bring to the declaration of American diplomat.
Derzhsekretter of the USA Marco Rubio:
- Sobodnishych Zustych Bula Bulf with the first crocus of the dovgogy and important Shlyakh. Shchob the edge of the be-like conflict, the mustache guilty of the acts of the actions of the Voznachita, the yaki sama.
- Meta Polega, in the one, to worship the edge of the tsom conflikt, Trivalim, staimkim il ryshnems, Cotrius will accept for all the storm. .
- Before you call the negotiations – to lie down on the VID Storin Conflіktu. We are key to the element of those Chi can get to be reached, Kotra will be acceptable for all Storin Conflіktu. Yakshcho Ts begin to stain – sting.
Takozhu Vin Rosoviv, Sho Rosіya, the United States Housed Vidniye Kolishna Kolishniy of the Embassy of the Embassy of Moscow,
- Yakshcho ours Diplomatic canals are not pityyu, then it is important to have a person who is an ethnic person who is most likely to be a rhista of our disking of the Ukrainian drive.
KRIM TO, Rubi, pulling the role of є є є є є in the reservation of Vіini in Ukrainian, Consistent, ShO “єC DOSHENS FOR THE STIL STRIVEV, TO SUNN INTENDED INTERY INTERY”
The Presidential Radnik USA Z National Bezpeski Michael Voltz:
Voits with his chergo, “Chovnikov” by the diplomat, pushing, peremovini to the sakes of conflіkta. Takozhuu, the theses about those, the Ukrainians are tuhropeytsi, be careful for yourself at the cykh of negotiations.
one, yak write The guardian, in a stop in a row of details of the details of Putan, yak, set, Chi, you can, be the porcelain of vicious perpeters of the crooks of the brigade of the Russian Federation, the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Lavrova Z -Pid Sanzii USA – American delegation to be unique in the unique vidpovіdi. Consistent, pages of the stench “Not ready to negotiate an abstract of a spoke leather Elehement”, the Oskilki Penies “Shchelni Roses”.
the command of Perempovini Rosiyani
pіznhevavavavilovil Zavrevvy Lavrov, Yakiy, who was able to Rosіyska by delegate on the relics. VIN Uplidzhu, the USA BUTUCTO “Proponed the Russian Federation to introduce the Moratorii to strike at the enerstic’ q.
“Our American Krygi said, they said, can, requested from the Moratoriy on attacks on the Energetic O'Kti. They explained that they did not grow to the non -renewed system of the Energopostacian, I, our tili ti ti q. Unprofitable to serve Zbroinі seals of Ukraine, ”Lavrov, who said, who was saying, saying, who said to Washington I Moskvo,“ I got a house of the Yaknaishvid, who posted the cides of the Krai ”, said about the Suti. Opassia American Representatives. Behind the yogo words, the intercessors of the Minіstvito are to the house about Zustych, on the yakiy “out of the look of the non -vsuennnya barriers” in robota dibustans.
Lavrov Milijah, Sho American, that Rosiyani drove, Sho “will be formed by a nyblizhny hour of the process of Khodo Ukrainian Snowel.” The American party is to be able to give the same person to the landing of his representation, to imagine his own tsovo.
“Conceptually, the participants of Zustychi have a storage, our spvpratsu was voyable in the obedience of the sphere.” .
Fox News wrote about the 3-Etap Middle Plan
Tim for an hour, the Kon-Pool of the Blogi House of the VID Fox News Jackі Hinrikh Iz to the diplomatic Jerla Dolidomil, the USA TO RF ROSHITED “TRITENEVISHIC MIRE PLAN”.
Movyv, vin turned on the warfare, Pisli in Ukrainian, Viberi, and also PISLLA – Pidpropisnnya of peace.
“Behind the words of Jerel Fox News, the US TA HAVE VIBORY in Ukrainian” The key to the Assumption of the Mount Square. “Tsia Ulice Viklice Supechki Storin, the dumbness of the mural” Do not conduct a reference of Viboriv “, and in Ukraine,” the prospect of the recognition Marionet President, ”wrote Heinrikh.
Party, Sho in front of Zim Podіbni about such titles“ The plan of peaceful reservation ”Rosіysko -Ukrainian Vііni was embarrassed by the Muster of the deputy of the deputy Sergey Lagodinsky, Yaki his own. The Chergo was rushing to the power of JerelUnder the Center, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Lavrov, saying, “not banging the gate about those, the Country of Country Housing about the tretestan -shaped plan of the reservoir in Ukraine.”
Pіdbivaychi is arrogant, Sho Zustych became the same to the same time Red -fledged invoice of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Okilki is a military Lavrov, I Todіshniye Untoni Blinken, briefly spilled on the samiat G-20 on the maya of Mayzha two rocks
Under the Tsomo Zhoden Ukrainian Office, the representation is not a bouu at the Zustychi. The yak was explained to the banking, on the table is considerable, they can Bulo Bulo with the Watch of Ukraine. Kyiv Zastreiga, Sho Putin not in the hitch of the peaceful viyni I liche, the pauses for the re -plaster. Old Zelensky Zyensky, Shcho Golovna – Mati Mati Silni Guarantor Bezpeki, Inaakshe Putin turn the shit of the bilshui Army.
Додамо, що президент України також напередодні заявив, щоУкраїна не знала про підготовку зустрічі Вашингтона і Москви в Саудівській Аравії і не прийме ніяких домовленостей, укладених США і Росією про її долю без її участі.
Більше того, на тлі Rosіysko-American Pereminov Zelensky Vidclaw, Svizit to Saudiwsko Arav, Yaki Buv of Planning to the Sereda, 19 Lyuta.
of his Rishhennya, explaining Tim, Shcho “did not want the Partners' Partners, they thought the hare.” Aje American delegation to get in the Saudi -Arabsi Pislya Pereminov Z RF RF, Todi Yak Rosіyska left Yer -Ried. All the same partners about us, I thought, I do not want to sp.
PID Hour of the PIDGOTIST MATERIALA Vicoristaloval Publikatsi: The Guardian, NBC News, CNN, Reuters, Bloomberg, Fox News.
Termini that is important about Vіin Rosії Aggrapery Read to the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.