• 27/07/2024 00:29

France to send its ambassador to Putin's “inauguration”, – Reuters

France was planning to send its ambassador to the so-called inauguration of the Russian dictator Volod Imir Putin, as it will be May 7th .

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine via correspondence to Reuters.

As is typical, the French have decided to inform about a potential split in the parliamentary camp with many countries. Zokrema mov about the Baltic countries, which are categorically against giving Putin any form of legitimacy and potential support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

“France is represented by its ambassador to Russia ї,” the diplomatic jerelo told the Frenchwoman.

According to the data of the dzherel, Paris previously condemned those who held elections in Russia. Zokrema, France respects violations of international law and the United States. Charter of the Nation.

Presidential elections in Russia

It seems likely that in Russia there were so-called presidential elections, which were won by dictator Volodymyr Putin. Now they will be in control of the country until 2030.

Under this, the Russians were able to organize so-called elections in the occupied Ukrainian territories. This was condemned by many partner countries of Ukraine.

Today, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine stated that they would not recognize the legitimacy of Putin in the presidential seat of the Russian Federation.

About how the elections were held in Russia and how This can be linked to Ukraine – read the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

For terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine, read on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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