• 26/07/2024 23:02

In Lisichansk, a bakery that worked for the needs of the Russian army and where the occupiers gathered came under fire

Among the “victims” is the owner of the establishment, as well as a person from the occupation “tax office”.

In Lisichansk, a bakery that worked for the needs of the Russian army and de Consequences of shelling of a bakery in occupied Lisichansk, where collaborators gathered 

<p>On February 3, in Lisichansk, a bakery (formerly a restaurant called “Adriatic”), which began operating after the occupation of the city, came under fire in Lisichansk, reports “Public”.</p>
<p>It was used by the invaders for their own purposes, for example, they started baking bread there for the Russian troops and the infidels held their meetings there, according to the Lisichansk city military administration.</p>
<p>The Russians claim that it is “civilian and that 28 people allegedly died there. After a list of “victims” was published in telegram channels, according to information from residents who left the occupied city, the list contains the name of the owner of the establishment – a local businessman who had shops in Lisichansk. Locals also learned the name of the man who worked in the “tax service” created by the Russians.</p>
<p>The Lisichansk MBA noted that “the arrival took place while the occupiers were gathering there,” and the list of the dead, which was distributed on social networks, “they are mainly collaborators, like, for example, Firsov, who in March went over to the side of the occupiers.”</p>
<p>There have been no official comments from the Ukrainian Armed Forces or Ukrainian intelligence about the shelling of the Lisichansk bakery.</p>
<p><a rel=lb.ua

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