• 26/07/2024 20:58

Increased pensions and shorter payments for higher education. What to change with 1 pregnancy in Ukraine

Ukrainians are aware of a number of important innovations in the birch industry. The government announced a large-scale restructuring of pensions and new rules for the assessment of payments to displaced persons. For graduates of the coming month, registration for NMT begins.

RBC-Ukraine reports on the major changes of Berezny 2024 in the material below.

During preparation, the following was taken into account: Cabinet Resolution No. 185, portal publications Pension Fund, Ukrainian Center for Assessing the Cost of Lighting, Ministry of Nutrition for the Reintegration of Timely Occupied Territories, texts of bills No. 9009 and No. 4201.


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  • Indexation of pensions
  • Rearrangement of minimum pension payments
  • New rules for VPO
  • One month left for identifying pensioners
  • Registration for NMT starts
  • Move to “summer” hour
  • Weekends and Holy Weeks in Bereznya
  • Indexation of pensions

    Planned indexation of pension payments in Ukraine will soon be carried out in Bereznya. They said that pensions would be increased by up to 8% based on inflation and the average salary.

    According to the words of Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, from 1st year the average amount of income increased to 322 UAH, and the average pension increased to 5,717 UAH.

    With which the maximum amount of income cannot be more than 1,500 UAH , and pensions are expected to increase by 100 UAH in 2021-2023.

    Close to 10 million Ukrainians can be covered by indexation. These are pensioners who pay insurance premiums, military, and disability workers who pay insurance payments to victims of accidents due to the virus and occupational illness.

    Photo: indexation of pensions in Berezny (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

    Rearrangement of minimum pension payments

    Crime of indexation, from 1st February 2024 move up min Minimum pensions depend on the age and availability of insurance length of service:

    • for those with a minimum pension payment (pensioners with short insurance coverage) – from 2520 UAH to 2725 UAH;

    • Pensioners under 70 years of age with 30/35 years of experience, women/men – from 2760 UAH to 2980 UAH;

    • non-working pensioners aged 65 to 70 years with 30/35 years of experience for women/men, pensioners over 80 years of age with 20/25 years of experience for women/hour tin – from 3120 UAH to 3370 UAH;

    • Pensioners over 70 years of age with 30/35 years of experience, women/men – from 3000 UAH up to 3240 UAH.

    New rules for HPE

    From January 1, 2024, the procedure for paying penny assistance for internal movement of persons (IPO) will change. In addition to categories, government payments will be limited to 2-3 thousand. UAH have been transferred, but you decide to submit a new application. I mean, a number of VPOs can provide additional assistance, and even the criteria for recognition will be more stringent.

    Automatically continue payments for the next day:

    • Pensioners whose pension does not exceed UAH 9444;

    • persons with disabilities of groups I and II, children with disabilities up to 18 years of age, seriously ill children;

    • orphans who have been spared their father's care, persons from their age up to 23 years old, as well as foster fathers and adopted fathers.

    After submitting a new application from 1 birth you can select the following categories:

    • vaginal women after the 30th weight;

    • a young child who arrived in a new community without a legal representative;

    • individuals , yaki was embedded in the pratsister, ale do not like the right to Pencein Vipels Ta/Abo to reject the social dopomo (yakshcho middle-legged dohid per person in the same sirm'y not to distort 9444 UAH);

    • individuals of the prime age who do not work, but are registered in the employment center, and in which case there are children in the family who are starting kindergartens or starting mortgages;

    • individuals who look after individuals with disabilities of group I, children with disabilities up to 18 years of age, individuals with disabilities of groups I and II due to mental disorder , special, yak reached 80th century, or for a seriously ill child.

    Photo: pay VPO to automatically extend pensioners (Getty Images)

    Also, the country gives additional support to fathers, who are unable to work, looking after children, since the aggregate income per family member “I do not exceed 9444 UAH per month and such families live in the territory where possible military operations are ongoing. For such minds, I can apply for the extension of the Viplat:

    • individuals of the primeval age, who do not work and look after the child until the age of 14;

    • homelands that have three or more children under 18 years of age.

    Homelands that live in mentally safe regions of Ukraine, but in these localities there are no If you are able to enroll your child in kindergarten, if school enrollment is completed online or in a mixed format, you can also submit an application and receive payment for another 6 months.

    The remaining month for the identification of pensioners

    Begin will be the remaining month when pensioners withdraw payments without identification, in order to confirm the individual. However, as a rule, there is no need for pensioners with the help of VPO, who were denied resettlement status even before the start of a full-scale war on February 24, 2022.

    Physical verification can be completed at the branches of the Pension Fund. spare bank, and also remotely , through the PFU electronic account or video identification.

    If identification has not been completed by 31 March 2024, the pension will be accumulated in the pension account until the pensioner confirms his or her identity. And immediately after this, the entire amount will be transferred to the owner’s account.

    Registration for NMT starts

    The first date in the calendar plan of the National Multi-subject Test (NMT) in 2024 is the 14th pregnancy. On this very day, registration for the main testing session begins.

    There is a three-month period (until the 11th quarter) in a special graduate office. Then the participant will have a few more days to collect the data. Until the 15th quarter at the office you can change the item to select, change the population point in Ukraine or beyond the cordon for passing the NMT.

    The main testing session will run from 14 May to 25 rubles, and the results will become visible i up to 2 linden.

    Photo: Registration for the NMT begins on the 14th (Getty Images)

    Registration for the additional session of the NMT opens on the 10th of May, and ends on the 11th-19th.

    < p dir="ltr">Varto note that in 2024 there will be 3 subjects: Ukrainian language, mathematics and history of Ukraine. The quarter subject is possible to turn pre -vovy: Fіzika, XIMIIA, Bioologia, INOTRUNA (English, French, NIMETSKA, IPASANCHA) MOVA, Ukrainian LITERATURE.In the rest of the week, Ukraine will switch to the “summer” hour. On the evening of Saturday for the week, 31st February, at 03:00, the year hands will need to be moved forward one year.

    The number of rocks in the region is a troubling discussion about the completeness of the seasonal hour, the time of year new “. The natural time for Ukraine is the “winter” time, and even 95% of the territory is located in the UTC+2 time zone (Kiev hour). Other zones include Lugansk and partly Donetsk, Kharkiv and Transcarpathian regions.

    The Verkhovna Rada had a number of attempts to translate the year's dates. In 2021, a new draft law is pending another reading. The explanatory note before the draft law stated that the transition to the “summer” hour carries risks for health and does not in any way protect energy resources.

    Before that, based on the seasonal hour, she would have recorded the “winter” hour in Ukraine, which would no longer be more consistent with the hour of the Russian Federation (although the hour of the aggressor power is avoided during the period from winter to winter).

    Photo: 31 March 2024 Ukraine switched to the “summer” hour (Vitaly Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

    However, the remaining vote for the bill did not gain sufficient support The document was sent for further examination. It is impossible to praise him.

    Weekend and holy day in birch

    International Women's Day (8th Birth) in Ukraine is a national holy day and a non-working day in accordance with the Code of Laws about Pracia (CLP). In the parliament of the past, the discussion of low holy things, including the 8th Birch, was considered as a “relic of the Radian Hours,” but the current bill still has the status of “being discussed in the Committees.”

    The flow of the sovereign saints has not yet changed, except for the weekend of the 8th of Birth in 2024 there will be no birth. Through the military camp, all additional days are finally covered.

    Birch also bears the low rank of religious saints. After changing the church calendar of the OCU to the New Julian calendar, the date of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary shifted from the 7th week of the week to the 25th day of the week.

    The rules for the date of the Great Day (in 2024 – 5 May) have not changed with the new calendar dates. Whose fate is the Great Pist trivatime from 18 bereznya to 4 travnya. The week of forgiveness (Maslyana) before the beginning of the fast falls on the 17th of Birth.

    A report about those who are holy in the spring after the transition of the OCU to the New Julian style can be read in the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

    Guess what, in 2023 the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada wanted to make changes to the Code of Criminal Procedure for the sake of the Ukrainian saints. It was planned to celebrate the 8th of Birth (International Women's Day), the 1st Travnia (Practia Day) and the 9th Travnia (Day of Victory over Nazism in the Other World War) and it was planned to establish such official holy days and weekends: Ukraine Day Women's women (25 February – the date of the birth of Lesya Ukrainka ), Taras Shevchenko's National Day (9th Birth), Mother's Day (another week of herb).

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