• 26/07/2024 19:43

Khmelnitsky NPP brought the repaired power unit to maximum power

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the construction of two more units without the use of state budget funds.

Khmelnytsky NPP has brought the repaired power unit to maximum power

Khmelnytsky NPP

At the Khmelnytsky Nuclear Power Plant, energy has been brought to maximum power.

< p>As Energoatom explained on its Facebook page, this allows the system to better cope with the consequences of constant Russian shelling aimed at electricity generation and distribution facilities.

The head of the enterprise, Petr Kotin, thanked the plant employees who managed to reduce the repair time .

The Ministry of Energy also reported that the Cabinet of Ministers approved a bill on the construction of two more power units at a station in the Khmelnitsky region. The head of the department, German Galushchenko, claims that this will strengthen the energy security and independence of Ukraine. The document must be approved by the Verkhovna Rada.

Funds from the state budget will not be used for the construction of the blocks: the project will be implemented with Energoatom’s money using credit opportunities.


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