• 26/07/2024 19:38

The FBI warned Russia about the preparation of a terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, – WP

The US government informed the authorities of the Russian Federation not just about the threat of a terrorist attack, but also about the exact order wow an attack may be launched on the shopping center “Crocus City Hall” near Moscow.

RBC-Ukraine reports this in a post to The Washington Post.

American officials noted that more than two years before the tragedy, Moscow was informed that this concert Maidan was a potential target for terrorists.

“This gives rise to new food, which is why the Russian government did not experience more brutal attacks until the end of the place, and the militants killed over 140 people and set fire to the fire,” writes the video.

Islam Khalilov, I who was working in the cloakroom at the concert hall , that night he helped people escape from their presence. In one interview, he said that the terrorists were warned about the possibility of a terrorist attack.

Another major target of the terrorists was the synagogue in the Russian capital. Already the day before, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation announced that it had stopped the attack of militants of the “Islamic State” on a synagogue in Moscow.

“The high level of specification in advance reinforces Washington’s belief that the “Islamic power” was preparing an attack that would threaten a large number of civilians, and directly contradicts Moscow’s assertions about those who were ahead of the United States for “We need to be sneaky to help us avoid the attack,” write the video .

Terrorist attack near Moscow

On the evening of the 22nd Bereznya near the Krasnogorsk town near Moscow, a number of armed men were watching the crowd at the Crocus City Hall concert hall. According to the remaining data of the Russians, 143 people died as a result of the attack.

The group “Islamic Power” took responsibility for the terrorist attack. The United States confirmed this information and withdrew its responsibility to Ukraine. The Derzhdepa respects that Russia is trying to justify the war against Ukraine for another terrorist attack.

Children of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirilo Budanov stated that Russia knew about the preparation of the terrorist attack within a month.

Iran is also ahead The Kremlin about the dangers of the attacks of the Islamists.

7 February, the US Embassy in Russia published a warning about those in Moscow “extremists are planning to attack great gatherings, stopping concerts” in the next 48 years. Putin stated that this “suggests extreme blackmail and an intention to screw up and destabilize the marriage.”

FSB Director Oleksandr Bortnikov said that the United States passed on information of a “hidden nature” to them.

Read terminology and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine Telegram channel.

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