• 26/07/2024 20:40

NATO sees no “indicators of war” in the Baltic countries

However, the Alliance views the threat from Russia as the main one and is taking active measures.

Julianne Smith

U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO Julianne Smith argues that there are currently no indicators or warnings of the level of incoming traffic in the Baltic countries ahead of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

According to Voice of America, the Alliance is taking active measures to improve its position on the eastern flank, which Ms. Smith said includes joint training and military exercises, as well as increasing the presence of American troops in Eastern Europe.

< p>NATO considers the Russian threat to be the main one. The US ambassador says: “If the dictator is not stopped, he will continue.” However, now the Alliance does not see an immediate threat to its territory either in the Baltic region or in any other.

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  • lb.ua

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