• 26/07/2024 23:12

On the occasion of Europe Day, the Kyiv City Council is going to rename Pravda Avenue to EU Avenue

Previously they wanted to dedicate Vozdukhoflotsky Avenue to the European Union, but in the end this avenue received the name Air Forces.

The Kiev Council is going to rename Pravda Avenue to EU Avenue for Europe Day

An avenue may still appear in Kyiv in honor of the European Union. The draft decision will be considered by the Kyiv City Council tomorrow, May 8, during a plenary meeting. The order of the Kyiv mayor to hold a special session on the occasion of Europe Day appeared on May 6. Information about the meeting scheduled for 14:00 on May 8 was confirmed to LB.ua by the Kyiv City Council staff.

On the agenda of the session there are only two issues: conferring the title of “Honorary Citizen of the City of Kiev” on former Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny and on renaming Pravda Avenue in Kyiv.

Draft decision on renaming Pravda Avenue ( The Podolsk district of the capital on European Union Avenue appeared a year ago, its author is the Secretary of the Kyiv City Council and Deputy City Mayor Vladimir Bondarenko. The text of the project states that the decision is intended to decolonize the toponymy of the Ukrainian capital, and the option in honor of the European Union received the most votes last year. voting of Kiev residents in “Kyiv Digital”.

Recall that earlier, for almost a year, the discussion on renaming Vozdukhoflotsky Avenue in the capital in honor of the European Union continued, but as a result, the Kiev Council renamed it to Air Force Avenue

. In Soviet times, Pravda Avenue was named after the newspaper Pravda, the communist mouthpiece of the Bolsheviks. In 2016, the Kyiv City Council removed quotation marks from the name, indicating dedication to the newspaper.


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